Time limit for issuance of temporary residence card

Time limit for issuance of temporary residence card

The duration of temporary residence cards issued specifically for each category of foreigners is as follows:

1. Foreigners who are members of diplomatic missions, consulates, representative agencies of international organizations under the United Nations, intergovernmental organizations in Vietnam and their spouses and children under 18 years old , the maid comes along for the term

– Symbol: NG3

– Maximum term: 5 years

2. Foreigners working with departments, agencies and units directly under the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Vietnam; National Assembly, Government, Central Committee of Vietnam Fatherland Front, Supreme People’s Court, Supreme People’s Procuracy, State Audit, ministries, ministerial-level agencies, agencies under the Government ; Provincial Party Committee, City Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee of provinces and centrally run cities

– Symbol: LV1

– Maximum term: 5 years

3. Foreigners working with socio-political organizations, social organizations, Vietnam Chamber of Commerce and Industry;

– Symbol: LV2

– Maximum term: 5 years

4. Foreign lawyers practicing in Vietnam;

– Symbol: LS

– Maximum term: 5 years

5. Foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam with capital contributions worth VND 100 billion or more or investing in sectors, occupations with investment incentives, priority areas Investment incentives are decided by the Government;

– Symbol: DT1

– Maximum term: 10 years

6. Foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam with contributed capital worth from 50 billion VND to under 100 billion VND or investing in industries and professions that encourage investment and development development decided by the Government;

– Symbol: DT2

– Maximum term: 05 years

7. Foreign investors in Vietnam and representatives of foreign organizations investing in Vietnam with contributed capital worth from 03 billion VND to less than 50 billion VND;

– Symbol: DT3

– Maximum term: 03 years

8. Foreigners who are Heads of representative offices or projects of international organizations or foreign non-governmental organizations in Vietnam;

– Symbol: NN1

– Maximum term: 03 years

9. Foreigners head of representative offices, branches of foreign traders, representative offices of economic, cultural organizations, and other foreign professional organizations in Vietnam

– Symbol: NN2

– Maximum term: 03 years

10. Foreigners come to practice and study;

– Symbol: DH

– Maximum term: 05 years

11. Foreign reporters and press residing in Vietnam;

– Symbol: PV1

– Maximum term: 02 years

12. Foreigners working in Vietnam have confirmation that they are not subject to a work permit, unless an international treaty to which Vietnam is a member has other provisions;

– Symbol: LD1

– Maximum term: 02 years

13. Foreigners working in Vietnam are required to have a work permit;

– Symbol: LD2

– Maximum term: 02 years

14. Foreigners who are spouses, children under 18 years old of foreigners issued visas with symbols LV1, LV2, LS, DT1, DT2, DT3, NN1, NN2, DH, PV1, LD1, LD2 or foreigners other than the father, mother, wife, husband, or children of Vietnamese citizens.

– Symbol: TT

– Maximum term: 03 years

Although the regulations on the duration of long-term temporary residence cards are as above, in reality the duration of temporary residence cards depends on many other factors. To understand and optimize your application for a temporary residence card. Please contact us!

Vista is a unit with more than 10 years of experience providing temporary residence card and visa services. With our experience, we are committed to providing the best support to customers. Help customers clearly understand the case of applying for their temporary residence card, be proactive in time and save costs.

Please contact Vista via email: info@vistalawvn.com or phone number 0902943889.

Foreigners working more than 3 months in Vietnam must have a work permit. With its experience, Vista will clearly advise on the appropriate specific conditions and documents to quickly and cost-effectively apply for a work permit.

Employees who are managers, executives, experts and technical workers, when granted a work permit, are entitled to a long-term temporary residence card according to the term of the work permit.

Foreign investors who contribute capital of more than 3 billion VND are eligible for a temporary residence card as an investment. Foreigners need to prove their capital contribution to a Vietnamese company with an investment certificate or business registration certificate showing the value of their capital contribution.

When a foreigner has been granted a temporary residence card, he or she has the right to sponsor a temporary residence card for his wife and minor children in Vietnam to ensure the right to legally reside, work and live in Vietnam.

If foreigners come to Vietnam for a short term to work, applying for a business visa is the right choice. At the end of the visa term, foreigners who have not completed their work and want to continue to stay can extend their visa.

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