양식 NA16 출입국 관리소에 처음으로 인감 및 서명 등록

Form NA16 Registration of seal and signature samples for the first time at the Immigration Department and Immigration Management Office

This form is issued together with Circular No. 04/2015/TT-BCA issued by the Ministry of Public Security on January 5, 2015, detailing document forms related to entry, exit, and residence. of foreigners in Vietnam.

Form NA16 Registration form of seal sample and signature of the legal representative of an enterprise operating in Vietnam at the Immigration Department and Immigration Management Department (Download)

– Form NA16 Immigration Department: is a declaration form in the legal documents submitted to the Immigration Department when completing visa procedures for the first time and registering to open an electronic account for the company. , held at the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security.

This form is submitted by the Company that organizes the guarantee for foreigners along with the first-time legal documents at the Immigration Management Agency when carrying out procedures related to entry and exit visas for foreigners directly. continue and online.

– In case of applying for electronic (online) account registration, Form NA16 must be submitted together with form No. NA19 issued with Circular No. 57/2020/tt-bca dated June 10, 2020 of the Ministry of Public Security.

Instructions and procedures for registering immigration electronic accounts for companies and legal entities.

Procedures for applying for an online entry official letter for foreigners through the Public Service Portal

Other related forms that form NA16 always accompanies:

– Entry official documents for foreigners working in the DN1, DN2, LD 1, LD2, DT 1, DT 2, DT 3, DT 4, …..

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