Content of criminal record in application for work permit in Vietnam

A criminal record is a document proving that a worker has enough civil capacity to work legally in Vietnam.

If the employee does not violate the law, the content of the criminal record will clearly show the non-violation.

If violated, the criminal record will show the following contents:

  1. Information about criminal records is information about the individual convicted; Crimes, applicable provisions of law, main penalties, additional penalties, civil obligations in criminal judgments, court fees; date, month, year of judgment, the court that pronounced the sentence, and the number of the sentence pronounced; execution status.
  2. Judicial record information about bans from holding positions, establishing and managing businesses and cooperatives is information about individuals who are banned from holding positions, establishing and managing businesses and cooperatives. commune; Positions are prohibited from holding, and for a period of time, they are not allowed to establish or manage enterprises or cooperatives according to the Court’s decision to declare bankruptcy.
  3. Judicial record card is a card issued by the judicial record database management agency that has the value of proving whether or not an individual has a criminal record; banned or not banned from holding positions, establishing and managing enterprises and cooperatives in cases where the enterprise or cooperative is declared bankrupt by the Court.

Therefore, if the employee has a criminal record that does not show the above 3 information, he or she will be eligible for civil capacity to work in Vietnam.

Vista is a reputable legal service unit that makes work permits and criminal records, ready to assist on behalf of foreigners with procedures to apply for criminal records in Vietnam.

Please contact us, at +84 903103889 (viber/zalo).

Foreigners working more than 3 months in Vietnam must have a work permit. With its experience, Vista will clearly advise on the appropriate specific conditions and documents to quickly and cost-effectively apply for a work permit.

Employees who are managers, executives, experts and technical workers, when granted a work permit, are entitled to a long-term temporary residence card according to the term of the work permit.

Foreign investors who contribute capital of more than 3 billion VND are eligible for a temporary residence card as an investment. Foreigners need to prove their capital contribution to a Vietnamese company with an investment certificate or business registration certificate showing the value of their capital contribution.

When a foreigner has been granted a temporary residence card, he or she has the right to sponsor a temporary residence card for his wife and minor children in Vietnam to ensure the right to legally reside, work and live in Vietnam.

If foreigners come to Vietnam for a short term to work, applying for a business visa is the right choice. At the end of the visa term, foreigners who have not completed their work and want to continue to stay can extend their visa.

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