Category Archives: Visa Vietnam

Expert and investor visa

Expert and investor visa Foreign investors are understood as individuals with nationality who invest capital in Vietnam to establish companies or buy shares of businesses in Vietnam. The basis for identifying a person as an investor is based on the Investment Certificate, Business Registration License...

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Short-term commercial visa

Short-term commercial visa is a type of visa applied to foreigners with the purpose of coming to Vietnam to work, do market research, exchange, and negotiate commercial contracts. If you are in Vietnam, the visa extension documents are as follows: – Operating license (Investment license,...

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Vietnam tourist visa

Vietnam tourist visa Tourist visa is a visa issued to foreigners entering Vietnam for tourism purposes. Guarantee for visa application customers who are travel companies and travel agents in Vietnam. Asimic’s services include: – Tourist visa service at Vietnamese Diplomatic Missions abroad applies to foreigners;...

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Family visit visa

Family visit visa Issued to foreigners who are spouses, children under 18 years old of foreigners working or investing legally in Vietnam or foreigners who are parents, spouses, children of Vietnamese citizens . – Foreigners who invest and work legally have the right to apply...

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Services for applying for entry documents for foreigners entering Vietnam

Services for applying for entry documents for foreigners entering Vietnam. An entry dispatch is a document allowing foreigners to receive a Vietnam visa from the Immigration Department, Ministry of Public Security – the agency that manages the entry and exit of foreigners in Vietnam. When...

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